With two days of Powerful accredited educational talks and sessions scheduled from the 1st -2 nd of December 2017 Baby Preemie and Me will cater for all Professionals on the 1st and Parents and Carers on the 2nd of December 2017.
The Conference provides a platform for guidance on the best practice and advancements in Neonatal care, Preterm birth and care, Brain and Sensory development ,breastfeeding, nutrition for mother and child , the Neuroscience of Zero Separation, Kangaroo care, Newborn Hearing screening and Family centered care with a pre-conference session on Infection control in the NICU
The forum for Professionals will thus be highly relevant to Physicians, Pediatricians, Nurses, Dietitians, Physiotherapists, Health and Lactation consultants, Technicians, Healthcare executives, Public sector and Government officials and all involved in healthy pregnancies, childcare and development.
For the Baby and Me Parents Day all parents , carers pregnant mothers, breastfeeding mothers, parents of multiple birth babies are invited to attend and gain tremendous insight in the advances in the topics listed within and relevant to parents in discharging their responsibilities in caring for their children.
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