Neonatal Care Academy

World Prematurity Day – How Everything Started


To Celebrate World Prematurity Day, you are cordially invited to this very special presentation by Silke Mader, Chairwoman and Co-Founder of the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI), as she describes her journey and experience as the mother of 25 week twins. Even as she struggled through this life changing event, her passion for the experiences of other families in similar situations was fueled by her desire to raise awareness and change the way newborn care was delivered – to recognize and include parents as a primary contributor of the care team.

Approximately 15 million babies are born prematurely each year, accounting for about 1 in 10 of all babies born worldwide. The rate of preterm birth is increasing yet the experience and involvement of parents and families in the care of their baby greatly varies.

We invite you to join the campaign to raise awareness of the issues these vulnerable newborns and their families face and to make a difference for these precious babies.

Silke Mader, Chairwoman and Co-Founder of EFCNI
40 minutes

Silke Mader is the Chairwoman of the Executive Board and co-founder of EFCNI. In 1997, her twins were born in the 25th week of pregnancy. Unfortunately, one of them died a few days after birth, leaving the parents and the sibling behind. During her time in hospital and afterwards, she was faced with non-existent parental support. She quickly realized the absence of public awareness, and the lack of information and education for parents during pregnancy. She felt that no parent should ever undergo such a traumatic experience again.
Mrs. Mader is an author, co-editor, and technical editor of reports and publications related to preterm birth and newborn health in Europe and beyond. In 2012, she was awarded the “Prix Courage” in Germany and in 2013 she received the Medal for Particular Services to Bavaria in a United Europe. Mrs. Mader has been an Honorary Lecturer at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland since 2014. In 2015 she was recognized as social entrepreneur and Ashoka Fellow. At the 2016 ALL Ladies League (ALL) – Women Economic Forum in New Delhi, India, Mrs. Mader received the “Iconic Innovative Trailblazer of the Decade” award. During an official ceremony in Nuremberg in October, 2016, Silke Mader was awarded with the Bavarian State Medal for Services concerning Health and Long-term Care by Melanie Huml, the Bavarian State Minister for Health and LongTerm Care. She remains a passionate advocate for the rights of babies and parents.
If you would like additional information and educational tools to support families in the NICU, please visit

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August 7, 2019

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